Why declutter at all?

If you’re considering moving — particularly if you’re downsizing — or you’re just finding yourself running out room to store things, decluttering is a necessary, but often daunting task.

We have a complex relationship with our “stuff”. On one hand, we rely on possessions to provide us with comfort, security, and a sense of identity. On the other hand, the accumulation of too much stuff can lead to feelings of stress, anxiety, and even depression. Understanding this relationship is the key to developing a healthy relationship with our possessions.

One way to do this is by practicing mindfulness and gratitude. By taking the time to appreciate the possessions we already have, we can begin to let go of the need to acquire more. Additionally, by being present in the moment and focusing on our experiences and relationships, we can find fulfillment and satisfaction in life without relying on material possessions.

Another way to shift our relationship with stuff is by decluttering our homes. By getting rid of the things that no longer serve a purpose or bring us joy, we can create a sense of space and organization in our lives. This can lead to feelings of calm and peace, and help us to focus on what truly matters.

Where to start?

Assess the situation first. Take a look around your home and create a plan for tackling the problem areas by identifying which areas are causing you the most stress.

Mostly likely, you won’t be able to fix everything in one session, so break it down into manageable chunks, and try to have a clear but achievable plan for want you achieve by the end of each one. Having clear goals will help you stay focused and motivated throughout the process. 

Begin sorting through your items, and seperate them into piles: keep, donate, sell, and chuck.

You might be surprised how much money you can make from your old posessions. Start with Facebook groups and eBay, but also look at Music Magpie (which also deals with phones and other tech), Vinted for clothing and accessories, or Shpock for more general stuff.



If you’ve got any children’s books suitable for ages 3-11, you can donate them at any branch of Acorn, John Payne, or Langford Russell, and our charity Acorn Book Club will ensure they get into the hands of children who need them the most.

Once you’ve sorted through your items, it’s time to start organising. Use storage solutions such as shelves, drawers, or boxes, to give everything a dedicated home - but try to avoid falling into the trap of just boxing up the same old things which won’t see the light of day again for months or even years. 

Decluttering should be considered an ongoing process that is revisited every month (or every other month). It’s important to stay on top of new items coming into your home, by continuing to donate or dispose of your old ones to make room for the new ones. 

Your home should start to feel not only more visually pleasing, but also promote a sense of calm and organisation.


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